Through our accountability reporting process, our Independent Review Panel identifies good practices from the reports sent by our members. Browse our library and get inspired by innovative CSO accountability practices! 

Want to find good practices on a specific topic? Click on one of the topics below.

ChildFund Korea’s Green Bell Initiative
The Green Bell initiative at ChildFund Korea fosters an environment where employees can openly share their opinions regarding the organization's operational policies, guidelines, and project content. When a certain number of employees support a suggestion, either the relevant department at headquarters or a designated management staff member reviews the proposal...
Transparency International’s Impact Monitoring Process
Transparency International’s approach to monitoring impact for anti-corruption work is collaborative and participatory. It is designed to help the organisation gain a better understanding of what works in the fight against corruption, including why and how it works. It captures the different change processes that the Transparency International movement and...
ChildFund Australia’s Complaints Mechanisms Protect Confidentiality and Anonymity
ChildFund Australia offers confidentiality alongside the protection of a complainant and/or survivors through their complaint handling mechanisms. This is an example of good practice through the organisation’s attention to the potential consequences on an individual when reporting and making sure the support and necessary protocols are in place to protect...
CIVICUS’s Approach to an Accessible Mission Statement and Theory of Change
To enhance accessibility, transparency, and the ability for stakeholders to engage with the organisation’s overall work, CIVICUS has made a copy of their strategic plan publicly available (in 6 languages) on their website, showing their commitment to being inclusive. In addition, it further made introductory videos available in four main...
Taiwan Fund for Children and Families tracks its water usage to ensure responsible stewardship for the environment
TCFC’s new buildings including their new headquarters were built with environmentally conscious design in mind, highlighting environmental awareness at the organisation. The building design included features that maximise natural light and minimised the need for artificial lighting. TFCF also made a conscious effort to use energy-efficient and environmentally friendly equipment,...
Educo’s Transparent and Integrated Approach to Feedback and Complaints Mechanisms
Educo’s annual report on suggestions, complaints and commendations details how feedback was received, through what mechanisms, and evolution from previous years. It also provides some examples of the types of suggestions, complaints and commendations received and Educo’s response and recommendation moving forward. Progress on acting upon the recommendations from the...
ChildFund Australia applies a innovative approach to inform consent from the people and communities they work for and with
This Good Practice aims to ensure that the people and communities ChildFund Australia work with, are informed of the ways in which their images, testimonies, feedback and knowledge are used. ChildFund Australia has developed a strong Consent Policy which addresses multiple scenarios where images, testimonies, feedback and knowledge of ChildFund...
Accountability Lab uses Accountable Now’s reporting process as the basis for annual reflection and course correction
Accountability Lab uses Accountable Now’s reporting process as the basis for annual reflection and course correction. The reporting framework and process were framed in alignment with Accountability Lab terminology and internal processes by the learning team....
ChildFund Alliance’s Child-Friendly Accountability
The Child-Friendly Accountability approach aims to ensure children have safe means to participate in monitoring the performance of child protection systems and holding duty bearers accountable. Children are supported in building their knowledge, in identifying protection gaps and facilitating direct action or advocacy with their communities to address these gaps....
Sightsavers enhances accountability at the local level
Sightsavers’ accountability report covers the activities of the entire organisation including Sightsavers’ seven subsidiary entities (Sightsavers UK, US, Ireland, India, Norway, Sweden and Italy). These entities operate integrally with the Secretariat: their performance and any data requested under Accountable Now’s reporting framework is integrated into the Secretariat’s accountability report....
Oxfam strengthens safeguarding through Core Standards and a Global Case Management System
One Oxfam Safeguarding Core Standards offer a simplified, easy to understand and ‘non-negotiables’ document, offering a summary of Oxfam’s multiple public safeguarding commitments to guide practice (assess gaps, support planning, analyse performance), strengthen safeguarding systems and ultimately help hold managers in Oxfam accountable....
CIVICUS’ advocacy work is grounded in partnerships and co-creation with local partners and members
An integral part of CIVICUS’ approach is that advocacy work is done jointly with members and local partners. Advocacy work is co-created in partnerships and published with mutual consent, and advocacy positions are based on a “sense check” with voices on the ground....

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