Through our accountability reporting process, our Independent Review Panel identifies good practices from the reports sent by our members. Browse our library and get inspired by innovative CSO accountability practices!
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Educo established its own accountability and audit division
Educo’s Internal Control Department was replaced by an Accountability and Internal Audit Division. It is committed to two main activities: fostering a culture of accountability in both internal and external processes (Accountability Department), and ensuring compliance with policies, codes and the responsible use of resources (Internal Auditing Department)....
Educo’s reporting schedule allows them to have a broader approach to accountability
The Accountability and Internal Audit Division is responsible for compiling the report. The report is compiled and disseminated in accordance with their Procedure and standards for external publications, and according to the following timeline: For this particular reporting year more qualitative feedback was included. The information was gathered in a...
Educo carries out its self-conducted performance reviews by the Board of Trustees
As established in the Code of Good Governance, the Board of Trustees commits to carrying out at least two reviews of its performance during its period of mandate, one at the halfway point and the other at the end. Likewise, Educo is currently in the process of preparing the first...
CIVICUS: Accountability is a driver of quality
CIVICUS is acutely aware of the need for civil society to consistently practice and demonstrate accountability in all endeavours. While aware of the burden which reporting puts on small civil society organisations like themselves, the reporting framework nevertheless allows them to take stock of their performance against set indicators, using...
ARTICLE 19 measures its risks and allocates responsibilities to address them
ARTICLE 19 maintains a risk register for their organisation that is reviewed on an ongoing basis by senior staff and the board at their twice-yearly meetings. The register includes physical, environmental, political and financial risks, each of which are assigned a mitigating action and a responsible party....
ARTICLE 19 benchmarks the salary structure of its staff members
In 2013, ARTICLE 19 initiated a review of its salaries, following indications that its pay spine and benefits package was falling short of market value and sector norms, especially in Brazil and other countries. On completion of this review steps were taken to address the significant salary shortfalls and recommendations...
Sightsavers builds strong and effective partnerships
In 2015, to accompany the Partnership Policy, a partnership framework was developed and rolled out. Designed to mirror and align with the project life-cycle, the framework outlines the three key stages that the majority of programme partnerships will progress through....
Sightsavers’ Council of Trustees are subject to key performance indicators
The Chair of the Council of Trustees is not an executive officer of Sightsavers. The most senior executive officer within Sightsavers is the Chief Executive, who reports to the Council. The roles of the Council and Strategic Management Team (SMT) are clearly defined and distinct from one another....
Oxfam breaks down its reporting to the organisational scale
Oxfam is a confederation of 17 organisations working together in more than 90 countries. All of Oxfam’s work is framed by their commitment to five broad rights-based aims: the right to a sustainable livelihood, the right to basic social services, the right to life and security, the right to be...
Greenpeace implements a 360 degree performance evaluation on its Board of Directors
The Greenpeace International Board of Directors Chair coordinates a 360 degree evaluation of the performance of the Board (as a whole) each year. This consists of three separate online surveys; one is sent to the Board members for a self-evaluation; one is sent to the Trustees; and the third is...
Educo listens to its employees and its executive team responds
Educo has different internal communication channels to facilitate the exchange of information across the entire organisation, thus contributing to improving efficiency in their work and encouraging staff to present their feedback and complaints to management....
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