Through our accountability reporting process, our Independent Review Panel identifies good practices from the reports sent by our members. Browse our library and get inspired by innovative CSO accountability practices!
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Sound fundraising policies and diversification of funds underpin Educo’s strong approach to resource acquisition
Educo has a Donation Policy, a Policy for Collaborating with Companies (in Spanish), and an Investment Policy which aim to ensure that funds received do not restrict the free action of the organisation, and they work in line with the Spanish Fundraising Association’s Code of Conduct for Development Fundraising in...
CIVICUS’ involvement of stakeholders in advocacy efforts
Efforts are made for members or partners to feature centrally in external discussions, and CIVICUS supports civil society representatives to speak for themselves in high-level discussions such as at the UN Human Rights Council. Interviews are conducted with local civil society leaders to amplify their voices. Illustrative examples of some...
CIVICUS’ approach to environmental stewardship
CIVICUS has made improvements on their environmental practices since its last report. Their new and comprehensive Environmental Policy was put in place with detailed information on efforts to mitigate negative environmental impacts. It includes targets in the areas of energy and water, office supplies, transportation, maintenance and cleaning, and culture....
Article 19 goes beyond the obvious barriers that women and LGBTQI experience as part of its strategy and approach
The IRP applauds the organisation’s clear commitment to justice and equality (Commitment 1) and women’s rights and gender equality (Commitment 2) by considering less well known or understood factors. It also commends Article 19 for coming up with creative solutions from its logistical arrangements to its monitoring and evaluation....
How SOS Children’s Villages engages children and youth in all aspects of their work
YouthCan! is a partnership project focused on giving vulnerable young people the opportunity to become ready for the job market and to lead independent lives. Project partners make use of their expertise, networks and experience to create new avenues and opportunities for young people to transition successfully into professional life....
SOS Children’s Villages’ user-appropriate feedback and complaints mechanisms
All of the information about SOS’ various feedback mechanisms is easily accessible on their website. The mechanism for safeguarding concerns is particularly accessible. It is available in six languages and has a separate submission form aimed at children, which uses language that speaks directly to them, provides examples of what...
Restless Development focuses on partnerships and capacity-building for more sustainable outcomes
Restless Development is committed to capacity building for its partners at various levels and supports increased Southern CSO engagement in advocacy and influencing. There is a focus on reaching out beyond target implementation groups and countries, with support given to a variety of alliances, networks, and individual partners....
Beyond reduce, re-use, recycle – MIO-ECSDE’s comprehensive approach to environmental sustainability
MIO-ECSDE increasingly holds Annual General Meetings (AGMs) virtually, having face to face events only every 2 or 3 years. Staff are encouraged to use video-conferencing (including for Board meetings and AGMs, which are now held physically only every 2-3 years). Moreover, a thorough green events policy requires venues to apply...
MIO-ECSDE’s consultative and comprehensive process to develop policy and advocacy positions
MIO-ECSDE has a sound and detailed process for the development of policy positions. The process is underpinned by ongoing monitoring of relevant research and policy developments to stay abreast of emerging issues. A draft position document is developed, then discussed in consultations with members, partners, experts, and other networks before...
MIO-ECSDE ensures they maintain independence whilst acquiring funding
MIO-ECSDE sees its reputation, integrity, high calibre and independence as its main capital, and highlights the importance of safeguarding these qualities. In practice, this means there are criteria regarding the sources and conditions of funding from private sources – these must be transparent, carefully scrutinised, and free from any influence...
Educo’s financial statements are audited by two firms
The 2014 financial statements were audited by two auditing firms, Ernst & Young and Audalia. As a control measure, both firms had to agree on their opinion about the accounts. To date, Educo is the only NGO in Spain that uses this co-auditing system. Later on, Educo presented annually its...
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