Sound fundraising policies and diversification of funds underpin Educo’s strong approach to resource acquisition


What makes this practice exemplary?

Educo has a Donation Policy, a Policy for Collaborating with Companies (in Spanish), and an Investment Policy which aim to ensure that funds received do not restrict the free action of the organisation, and they work in line with the Spanish Fundraising Association’s Code of Conduct for Development Fundraising in Spain.  


In addition to this, Educo is accredited with Fundacion Lealtad, which certifies compliance with transparency and plurality in funding and control in use of funds. Educo’s transparency and good practice report is published on the organisation’s website.  


Over the past few years, Educo has also been working to diversify their funds and increase funds from public sources, in line with one of the goals of their Strategic Plan. There are set priorities to increase and diversify fundraising without increasing structural costs, which are listed in Educo’s 2018 accountability report, pg. 38. 

Find out more

Read the full accountability report