Article 19 goes beyond the obvious barriers that women and LGBTQI experience as part of its strategy and approach

#JusticeAndEquality #WomensRightsAndGenderEquality

What makes this practice exemplary?

For example, if a woman is going on Twitter to get news and share thoughts on current events, the barriers could be identified in the following way: 


  • Most apparent at a “glance”: Harassment, rape threats or stalking online. 
  • Less visible at a “glance”: Lack of appropriate mechanisms to report such content or gain support. 
  • Invisible at a “glance”: Fear and anxiety to go online; psychosocial 


The Mx Method is used as a holistic approach via three complementary levels: within its strategy, its operations and internal policies and practices. Article 19 offers several helpful examples on how this method looks in practice in its 2016 report, as our Independent Review Panel (IRP) highlights. Furthermore, the Mx Method considers the intersections between gender and other forms of identity, such as race, age, ability, nationality, ethnicity or religion. 


The IRP applauds the organisation’s clear commitment to justice and equality (Commitment 1) and women’s rights and gender equality (Commitment 2) by considering less well known or understood factors. It also commends Article 19 for coming up with creative solutions from its logistical arrangements to its monitoring and evaluation. For example, the organisation conducts alternative trainings for women if their involvement into their main trainings might result in exacerbating negative social stigmas, (because the main training runs until after dark, or is led by male trainers, etc.).   


* Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning and intersex persons 


For more information on this good practice, see Article 19’s 2016 report here, pp. 17-20 including the full panel feedback here

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Read the full accountability report