MIO-ECSDE’s consultative and comprehensive process to develop policy and advocacy positions


What makes this practice exemplary?

MIO-ECSDE has a sound and detailed process for the development of policy positions. The process is underpinned by ongoing monitoring of relevant research and policy developments to stay abreast of emerging issues. A draft position document is developed, then discussed in consultations with members, partners, experts, and other networks before being finalised. Policy products are disseminated widely, and their effectiveness and impact is monitored. Results are shared with the Secretariat and Executive Bureau to close the loop for further actions including corrections or adjustments.


MIO-ECSDE has identified the need to collect its members’ insights into emerging issues and policy priorities more systematically and has therefore decided to develop an online survey. This will build upon another survey from 2016 which had captured youth’s perceptions on issues related to sustainable development and fed into policies and several multilateral action plans. This is a good example of how external stakeholders are also consulted in the advocacy process.


MIO-ECSDE’s members have flagged the pressure from increased immigration flows on natural resources as an important emerging issue. The Secretariat plans to communicate this issue to decision makers at all levels from local to European and define an evidence-based strategic approach to the role environmental NGOs can play. Specific guidelines and interventions are already being developed together with MIO-ECSDE’s member organisations.


Next steps?


More information about consultation and involvement of directly affected populations in advocacy efforts, as well as feedback indicating that MIO-ECSDE’s efforts are appreciated, would further strengthen this good practice.


Find out more

Read the full accountability report