Greenpeace implements a 360 degree performance evaluation on its Board of Directors

#OpenOrganisations #ResponsibleLeadership

What makes this practice exemplary?

The Greenpeace International Board of Directors Chair coordinates a 360 degree evaluation of the performance of the Board (as a whole) each year. This consists of three separate online surveys; one is sent to the Board members for a self-evaluation; one is sent to the Trustees; and the third is sent to the GPI Management. The results are collated and provided to the Trustees via the annual Board Report to Council submitted at each Annual General Meeting (AGM).


The Treasurer conducts a separate 360 evaluation of the performance of the Board Chair as part of the above overall Board evaluation. The results are provided in the Board Report to Council. It is best practice for all Boards to conduct annual self-evaluations.

Find out more

Read the full accountability report