ChildFund Australia applies a innovative approach to inform consent from the people and communities they work for and with

#Well Handled Resources #People-Driven Work

What makes this practice exemplary?

This Good Practice aims to ensure  that the people and communities ChildFund Australia work with, are informed of the ways in which their images, testimonies, feedback and knowledge are used.

ChildFund Australia has developed a strong Consent Policy which addresses multiple scenarios where images, testimonies, feedback and knowledge of ChildFund Australia’s partners and stakeholders are used. Their ‘Where Does My Story Go?’ document provides clear examples on how an individual’s story might appear in ChildFund Australia’s communications materials. It has been developed and translated into local languages to ensure that it is accessible to the people who feature in ChildFund Australia’s communications and materials. This document also offers children and youth an opportunity to enhance media literacy, by explaining and advising on how to share their story while protecting their identity. Training on informed consent is also provided to staff.

The panel has commended ChildFund Australia for putting children at the centre and enabling them to provide informed consent on the use of their stories and images. 

More information can be found in ChildFund Australia’s 2019-2020 accountability report: (page 26-27)

What kind of organisation is this good practice useful for?

Humanitarian and developmental CSOs using images, testimonies, feedback, and  knowledge from the people and the communities they work for and with

Find out more

Read the full accountability report