MIO-ECSDE is a non-profit Federation of 127 Mediterranean Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working in the fields of Environment and Development in 28 countries of the EuroMediterranean area.

View Their Good Practices
Beyond reduce, re-use, recycle – MIO-ECSDE’s comprehensive approach to environmental sustainability
MIO-ECSDE increasingly holds Annual General Meetings (AGMs) virtually, having face to face events only every 2 or 3 years. Staff are encouraged to use video-conferencing (including for Board meetings and AGMs, which are now held physically only every...
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MIO-ECSDE’s consultative and comprehensive process to develop policy and advocacy positions
MIO-ECSDE has a sound and detailed process for the development of policy positions. The process is underpinned by ongoing monitoring of relevant research and policy developments to stay abreast of emerging issues. A draft position document is developed,...
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MIO-ECSDE ensures they maintain independence whilst acquiring funding
MIO-ECSDE sees its reputation, integrity, high calibre and independence as its main capital, and highlights the importance of safeguarding these qualities. In practice, this means there are criteria regarding the sources and conditions of funding from...
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