Educo’s transparent and integrated approach to feedback and complaints mechanisms


What makes this practice exemplary?

Educo’s annual report on suggestions, complaints and commendations details how feedback was received, through what mechanisms, and evolution from previous years. It also provides some examples of the types of suggestions, complaints and commendations received and Educo’s response and recommendation moving forward. Progress on acting upon the recommendations from the previous reporting period are also included. 

Educo’s Suggestions, Complaints and Commendations (SCC) Policy (here in Spanish) is implemented by a SCC Global Commission, which supports and advises National SCC Committees in designing and developing SCC mechanisms. Consultation with all people involved is a first step to ensure the needs and preferences are addressed. 

Beyond the online SCC form on the website, each Committee has a specific email address for SCC. A MEAL Manual contains tools to support the implementation of SCC mechanisms. An anonymous whistleblowing mechanism is managed by a third party to ensure its independence.

All of these steps indicate just how fully integrated the feedback and complaints mechanisms are across levels of the organisation. 

More info on report: (p. 40 – 41)

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