Oxfam strengthens safeguarding through Core Standards and a Global Case Management System


What makes this practice exemplary?

One Oxfam Safeguarding Core Standards offer a simplified, easy to understand and ‘non-negotiables’ document, offering a summary of Oxfam’s multiple public safeguarding commitments to guide practice (assess gaps, support planning, analyse performance), strengthen safeguarding systems and ultimately help hold managers in Oxfam accountable. Short introductory videos to the Standards are available to Oxfam staff in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. 

Oxfam has a Global Case Management (GCM) system for Safeguarding and Fraud & Corruption available for all 20 Oxfam Affiliate Case Management teams and Oxfam International. The system aligns Affiliate processes, data and ways of working, introducing a unified approach to case management across the confederation that will further strengthen Oxfam’s trends analysis, accountability, and risk management. A Global Misconduct Webform is directly linked to the GCM system and available on most of the Affiliate Websites as an additional multi-lingual channel to report incidents in total confidentiality 

Oxfam produces 6-month safeguarding reports (latest available here) which includes safeguarding data and latest developments in Safeguarding within the organisation.

What kind of organisation is this good practice useful for?

International NGOs

Find out more

Read the full accountability report