At Accountable Now, we advocate for a more dynamic and inclusive approach to accountability, one that centers and engages staff, communities, and the people who are most affected by CSOs’ actions. In our work, we provide publications and resources that give CSOs examples and guidance of how this approach is being put into practice.

Explore, use and adapt our range of resources and tools designed to support civil society organisations – and civil society at large – to practice a more dynamic approach to accountability.


Other Resources and Publications

South Asia Disaster Journal

Accountable Now co-edited several issues of the journal from the All India Disaster Mitigation Institute. The journal brings practitioners, researchers, and community leaders from around the world to explore a wide range of topics from disaster risk reduction to global health threats and how people power and accountability can address these challenges.


Dynamic Accountability: Changing approaches to CSO accountability

We practice and promote a dynamic approach to accountability, centred on continuous and meaningful dialogue with all those impacted by an organization’s work and being responsive to their feedback.

Latest Insights

Supporting Social Movements for a Real Change

Our society has witnessed countless social movements in the recent years that seek to challenge authoritarian regimes and fight for freedom. Take the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (Anti-ELAB) protests for example, which I personally experienced. Millions of people occupied the streets of Hong Kong, it made a hot topic on international news, and yet things did not quite go as planned. Many would “judge” the movement as a “failure”, as the requirements from the participants weren’t met. Instead of a big success (as in tangible institutional changes etc.), what we faced were heavier restrictions by the Chinese government. However, how do we actually measure the success or failure of social movements? And more importantly, what can we, as civil society organizations and more institutionalised actors do to help?

Reflecting on Youth Participation During the 2024 World Urban Forum

For the past five months, Accountable Now has been working with Fondation Botnar to support their youth cohort – the City Shapers. Composed of 42 amazing young people, the cohort’s mission was to create a sense of shared community and purpose before and during the 12th Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF12), held in Cairo, Egypt this past November. Continue reading for reflections from the City Shapers on youth engagement during the event.