Translating Principles into Practice

*All views and statements represent those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Accountable Now. How might one translate Accountable Now to a non-English speaker? Bilingual and multilingual readers may want to pause to reflect upon this problem as ‘accountable/accountability’ has few direct translations in other languages. You might have to concoct a […]
How can the Global Standard foster a Dynamic Accountability culture within civil society organisations and between stakeholders?

In times of shrinking civic space, credibility, legitimacy, and accountability of civil society organisations (CSOs) is more important than ever and building trust, participation and co-creation with local stakeholders are key if CSOs are to develop resilience and impact. In this regard, the sector needs a concerted effort to improve collaborative responses to challenges faced […]
Listening to those we serve: the heartbeat of Doing Development Differently

*All views and statements represent those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Accountable Now. You may have heard about ‘Doing Development Differently’ (DDD), a broad movement of development analysts and practitioners who share a view of why aid often has little impact: in short, ‘complex’ development problems can’t be solved […]
The Oxfam scandal: Let’s have an honest conversation about accountability

*All views and statements represent those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Accountable Now. The slew of bad publicity that has affected the sector in the wake of the Oxfam scandal shows little sign of abating. The Times recently ran a story making fresh allegations about staff misconduct in Haiti – the latest […]
Accountability in social enterprises around the world

Civil society organisations have been undergoing transformations in the past decades as a result of changing welfare systems and market economies around the world. One of these changes is the increased focused on combining social and commercial purposes in order to ensure sustainability. Social entrepreneurship has thus become an umbrella term that incorporates organisations which develop their […]
Ten years on, accountability in action: Greenpeace’s story

Ten years ago, a committed group of the leaders of some of the largest international NGOs, working to provide international development programmes, humanitarian relief, and campaigning for human rights and the protection of our environment came together in the recognition that we needed to be proactive, open and clear in establishing what our accountability should […]
La confianza, el gran aporte de la rendición de cuentas a América Latina

América Latina es una región injusta si consideramos que carga con el título de la más desigual (CEPAL, 2016) y también, la más desconfiada del planeta (Latinobarómetro, 2015). Mientras que recientemente un estudio de Oxfam señala que el 10% más rico de la región acumula el 68% de la riqueza total, por otra parte, también recientemente, según CEPAL, en América Latina la […]
Creating processes for people-powered decision making

Over the past few months, six civil society organisations (CSOs) have ventured into implementing new processes in their day-to-day work with their stakeholders. At the core of the project lies the assumption that integrating feedback from stakeholders into decision making more frequently helps achieve two key challenges at the same time: working more effectively with stakeholders and […]
What data do you have on your stakeholders?

This was the question that we asked six international civil society organisations at the very beginning of our project. What seemed like an easy – or at least straightforward – question, proved to trigger a whole set of further questions which reached far beyond the teams responsible for monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL). […]
Complementing our primary accountability towards children

Richard Pichler led the global organization as the CEO from 1995 to 2015, broadened portfolio and impact for most vulnerable children, engaged with his peers in shaping the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Richard Pichler shares how SOS Children’s Villages aligns its strategy with the Sustainable Development Goals and works with other civil society organisations to ensure they operate in an […]