What’s “Accountability” in the Eyes of Youth?

About the webinar:

Accountability concepts and practices have been refined over decades now. But are they meaningful for young people? It is these young people who are the future of our sector and there are more of them now than at any point in history. In this webinar, we shared insights from Restless Development and CIVICUS on youth and accountability.


Youth-led Accountability at Restless Development

In 2014, Restless Development started piloting a Big Idea for how young people could lead the accountability of the new Sustainable Development Goals. The youth-led accountability approach combines data-driven accountability with high-level advocacy, global and local campaigns, and global mobilisation moments. In addition, young staff designed and led a Big Conversation consulting with 5,000 respondents across 64 countries both offline and online, and led the direction of the new strategy.


CIVICUS: Mainstreaming Youth Participation via the Youth Action Team

The CIVICUS Youth Advisory Group has evolved into the newly re-structured Youth Action Team. Its primary role is to provide strategic, informed advice on how youth participation issues can be better mainstreamed in CIVICUS’ programmes, and on how CIVICUS can develop new activities to strengthen youth voice in civil society. Working with the support of the Youth Action Team, CIVICUS intends to build new partnerships and secure increased resources to scale up new initiatives on youth participation.

About the speakers:

Jack McQuibban, Advocacy & Networks Coordinator, Restless Development

Elisa Novoa, Youth Engagement Officer, CIVICUS


Watch the webinar below, and check out the accompanying presentations by Restless Development and CIVICUS.

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