Getting Up To Speed: How to Protect Our Data and Privacy in the Digital Age?

Approaching data protection in a digital environment

In a more and more digital environment, data protection becomes a more challenging. But the environment also poses opportunities and support for data protection work. Heike Böhme, General Integrity, Compliance & Legal Counsel from SOS Children’s Villages’ Legal Department gave a practical overview on seven initiatives the colleagues follow to cope with and benefit from the digital age. 


Digital Revolution calls for comprehensive data security solutions

In the age of always connected mobile devices, social networks and new consumer behaviours, the IT security department has an increasingly important role for organisations across all sectors. Attackers are more organised, attacks are more sophisticated and threats are more dangerous than ever before. In this presentation Oliver Vavtar, Team Leader Network Services, SOS Children’s Villages illustrated several examples of actual threats and described the approach of SOS Children’s Villages on how to overcome security challenges now and in the future. 

About the speakers:

Heike Böhme: General Integrity, Compliance & Legal Counsel, SOS Children’s Villages

Oliver Vavtar: Team Leader Network Services, SOS Children’s Villages 


Check out the presentations by Heike Böhme on how to protect our data and from Oliver Vavtar on security solutions

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