Building the INGO Charter Brand

About the webinar:

The Charter (now Accountable Now) needs to be well-known and understood to achieve its ultimate ambition: driving international civil society organisations (ICSOs) positive impact on people’s lives and the environment. In light of this, we have worked with branding and communications directors from our Member organisations to identify where the Charter adds most value, e.g. to CEOs, fundraisers, campaigns or programme directors as well as to donors and the public. We shared these with a broader range of Members in order to:

  • Give them the opportunity to understand where others see the greatest value-add of the Charter
  • Gain their insights into how to develop this further into an overall branding and communication architecture for the Charter
About the speakers:
  • Gilles van Handenhove, Brand and Communications Officer, Oxfam International
  • Jane Clancey, Head of Global Brand, Amnesty International

Check out the outcome of the webinar, the presentations from Oxfam and Amnesty International

Do you have an idea you for a future webinar?

Does your organization have a new tool or practice you would like to share or an accountability-related story you would like to tell?

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