Dynamic Accountability Dialogues Outpost (Part 2): Dynamic Accountability in Practice

A paper chain of people with a blue overlay

Dynamic Accountability Dialogues Oupost (Part 2) :Dynamic Accountability in Practice SHARE THIS ARTICLE BACK TO INSIGHTS Locally led development is a growing discourse within the global development sector, recognising the power of communities to shape their own futures. But this approach requires rethinking the way CSOs and their stakeholders interact – what we call accountability. […]

Putting Dynamic Accountability into Practice: Considerations for CSOs and Networks

SHARE THIS ARTICLE BACK TO INSIGHTS Civil society associations come in a range of forms. From local civil society organisations (CSOs) to international alliances composed of many organisations, the sector is diverse in the way different groups are structured and present themselves. In spite of the form or type, accountability should still remain high on […]

Adapting feedback and complaints mechanisms: looking beyond the covid-19 pandemic

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As part of Accountable Now’s Annual Workshop 2020, partners from World Vision International and Mayumi Fuchi from the University of Birmingham hosted an insightful session on feedback and complaints mechanisms during the Covid-19 pandemic. Find out what was discussed and what was learnt in their blog below! The promise of coronavirus vaccines means an endpoint […]

Meaningful Engagement Within Partnerships

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For the past year, I have been fortunate enough to be on a journey with the Global Standard, working at the Secretariat hosted by Accountable Now for a partnership of 10 civil society organisations (CSOs) around the world. Along the way, I’ve learned so much about meaningful engagement, partnerships, and how to embed dynamic accountability […]

Testing the Resilient Roots Hypothesis

accountable now, accountability, blog, civil society

Testing the Resilient Roots Hypothesis By CIVICUS and Accountable Now September 18, 2020 The Resilient Roots initiative tests whether organisations who are more accountable and responsive to their roots – namely, their primary constituents – are more resilient against external threats. The initiative is coordinated by CIVICUS and funded by the Ford Foundation. Technical and strategic support is […]

Resilient Roots: 10 Tips to collect feedback from your primary constituents

In the first blog post of this series, Resileint Roots shared 10 steps to design your accountability feedback mechanism, where they discussed how to set your objectives and layout the infrastructure and resources you will need to see this work through. If you missed it, we suggest you start there before turning to the next […]

How resilient are our pilot partners to civic space threats?

  In recent years, “Resilience” has made its way into international development’s buzzword bingo board. Yet despite its increasing popularity, the concept often remains poorly understood. In this article, and during our upcoming Resilient Roots event at ICSW 2019 (Wednesday afternoon ), we will take a closer look at what this concept means for civil society organisations in the context […]

Naming and Faming as a Strategy for Tackling Corruption in Nigeria.

  Inspired Youth Network is a not-for-profit organisation based in Lagos, Nigeria that supports young people to demand accountability and transparency through capacity building and policy advocacy.     Transparency International (TI) in its Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2018 ranked Nigeria in 144th position out of 180 countries as against the 148th position and 136th […]

How dynamic is our accountability to stakeholders?

On behalf of Y Care International, I was fortunate to be able to participate in Accountable Now’s 2018 Workshop on Dynamic Accountability. Over the course of 2.5 days, participants from CSOs in the global North and South explored the concept of Dynamic Accountability and how it could effectively be put into practice.   The concept demands […]

Resilient Roots: Debunking the Myths around Primary Constituent Accountability

*All views and statements represent those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Accountable Now.   When you are passionate about something and join others to work on it collectively, you quickly start to develop your own group language. You start using jargon and acronyms. This is a central part of creating a […]