Dynamic Accountability Dialogues Outpost (Part 2): Dynamic Accountability in Practice

Dynamic Accountability Dialogues Oupost (Part 2) :Dynamic Accountability in Practice SHARE THIS ARTICLE BACK TO INSIGHTS Locally led development is a growing discourse within the global development sector, recognising the power of communities to shape their own futures. But this approach requires rethinking the way CSOs and their stakeholders interact – what we call accountability. […]
Redressing power imbalances: examples of some CSOs who have taken a step forward

Redressing power imbalances: examples of some CSOs who have taken a step forward SHARE THIS ARTICLE BACK TO INSIGHTS It is widely recognised within the civil society sector that current development structures are not inclusive enough. There are limitations which prevent the people who we work for and with to lead on the actions and […]
Elements of Shifting Power

Written by Dumi Gatsha, Success Capital
Powershift, Decolonisation and Anti-Racism: the Role of Dynamic Accountability and the Accountable Now Membership

SHARE THIS ARTICLE BACK TO INSIGHTS The powershift is becoming a more familiar term across the civil society sector as individuals and organisations embrace changes in the way that power and resources are distributed. For so long, the understanding of what power is, has been defined and led by western organisations and institutions. Yet […]