Supporting Feminist Youth-Led Research and Practice for Transformative Change
Learn from young feminists engaged in research, advocacy, and other civil society work how civil society organizations, funders, and other actors can build a more supportive ecosystem for feminist youth-led movements to thrive.
Transparency Talk Blog: Putting trust and resources to work for healthier grantee organizations
By Megan Colnar, Impact Advisor, Coach, and Restless Advocate; formerly Director of Strategy & Impact, Economic Justice Program & Soros Economic Development Fund of the Open Society Foundations
Accountability to Affected Populations in Times of the Pandemic: publication of the South Asia journal
SHARE THIS ARTICLE BACK TO INSIGHTS The civil society sector is experiencing a pressure and strain unlike it has experienced before, under the COVID-19 pandemic. To explore how the sector has responded, engaged and acted this past year, the All India Disaster Mitigation Institute and Accountable Now have published a special accountability issue of AIDMI’s […]
Five ways CSOs can be accountable on International Women’s Day
At Accountable Now we advocate and push for our members – a range of NGOs operating at regional and international levels – to see accountability as a means to transform the civil society sector and build trust. We continually see how they have embraced change, and dynamic and inclusive processes which give control and power […]
Embracing change while adjusting to evolving contexts
This blog was reposted from the Global Standard website. See the original article here. Change is at the heart of any civil society organization, both in terms of its own sustainability (internal change) as well as for measuring its effectiveness (external change). At Accountable Now we ask our members to ensure that the change they seek […]
Resilient Roots: 10 tips to ensure a meaningful dialogue with your primary constituents
10 tips to ensure a meaningful dialogue with your primary constituents Resilient Roots: conquering the feedback loop – Part 4 of 5: “Dialogue” By Isabelle Büchner (Accountable Now) and Belén Giaquinta (CIVICUS) February 11, 2020 By now, you have designed your accountability feedback mechanism, and you have collected and analysed the feedback from your primary constituents. Now it is time […]
10 offers from the “Development Alternative” to do development differently
The truth is, the development sector has a big problem: The way development is currently organised, managed and funded is grounded in unequal power-relationships – especially when it comes to the people, communities and local organisations affected by international development work. In order to put a spotlight on this issue, at the heart of Accountable Now’s […]
How resilient are our pilot partners to civic space threats?
In recent years, “Resilience” has made its way into international development’s buzzword bingo board. Yet despite its increasing popularity, the concept often remains poorly understood. In this article, and during our upcoming Resilient Roots event at ICSW 2019 (Wednesday afternoon ), we will take a closer look at what this concept means for civil society organisations in the context […]
Accountability in social enterprises around the world
Civil society organisations have been undergoing transformations in the past decades as a result of changing welfare systems and market economies around the world. One of these changes is the increased focused on combining social and commercial purposes in order to ensure sustainability. Social entrepreneurship has thus become an umbrella term that incorporates organisations which develop their […]
Creating processes for people-powered decision making
Over the past few months, six civil society organisations (CSOs) have ventured into implementing new processes in their day-to-day work with their stakeholders. At the core of the project lies the assumption that integrating feedback from stakeholders into decision making more frequently helps achieve two key challenges at the same time: working more effectively with stakeholders and […]