Gender Cheat Sheet: How Not to Lose the Gender Perspective
SHARE THIS ARTICLE Every March, International Women’s Day brings attention to gender inequalities and the need to further advance the rights of women and girls to close gender gaps. However, promoting women’s rights and gender equality must be a year-long pursuit. To help civil society organisations integrate a gender perspective in their work, Accountable Now, […]
Implementing internal accountability practices within the Accountable Now membership
SHARE THIS ARTICLE BACK TO INSIGHTS This blog was reposted from the Global Standard website. See the original article here. Complementing the previous posts on Accountable Now members’ examples around practices related to the Global Standard for CSO Accountability cluster A and cluster B commitments, we will be sharing examples from our members concerning practices associated with the […]
The Global Standard: Going Global, Acting Local
SHARE THIS ARTICLE BACK TO INSIGHTS This article was originally published on CDA’s From Where I Stand learning forum. Civil society organisations (CSOs) practising a different kind of accountability towards their stakeholders is at the heart of the Global Standard’s mission and purpose. The kind of accountability where an organisation answers to the people who […]
When inclusion gets real…an opportunity to act differently
At a time of much crisis and self reflection for the sector, it has become clearer than ever that to connect with people, stay relevant, and convincingly convey a positive narrative about our work and what we can achieve together, civil society organisations must do more to walk the talk on diversity and inclusion (D&I). […]
Advancing Accountability in Times of a Global Crisis: a welcome message from Accountable Now’s Interim Executive Director
Ilina Neshikj joined Accountable Now as an Interim Executive Director in October 2020. She has extensive professional experience that includes the management of the Balkan Civil Society Development Network, a leading regional network of 14 CSOs in the Balkans and Turkey. She has initiated and managed several national, international, and global projects devoted to improving […]
Diversifying our audience: Why it matters.
On the 18th of September, Accountable Now joined Karl Steinnacker (a colleague at the ICSC, and the course convener) at the Alice Salomon Hochschule for a workshop on dynamic accountability. The workshop is a part of a week long course entitled “Living in a Camp” which aims to give Master students studying Inter-Cultural Conflict Management […]
Self-regulatory initiatives: Accountability measures in times of scrutiny.
In recent years, CSOs around the world have witnessed first-hand how different forms of shrinking civic space have impacted their capacities to operate; they are being overly regulated, facing difficulties obtaining foreign funding, having to jump through hurdles to operate and engage with governments and seeing their rights and legitimacy put into question. According to the CIVICUS […]