Self-regulatory initiatives: Accountability measures in times of scrutiny.

In recent years, CSOs around the world have witnessed first-hand how different forms of shrinking civic space have impacted their capacities to operate; they are being overly regulated, facing difficulties obtaining foreign funding, having to jump through hurdles to operate and engage with governments and seeing their rights and legitimacy put into question. According to the CIVICUS […]

The changing face of accountability: welcome note by our new Board Chair

Leaders of international organisations are operating in an increasingly complex environment, where the level of scrutiny and expectation is growing.  Stakeholders are rightly demanding effectiveness, quality, safety, and compliance across all areas of operations. We are seeing increasingly complex, unpredictable, and game changing trends and events across the geopolitical, social and environmental landscape.   International […]

Resilient Roots: 10 tips to ensure a meaningful dialogue with your primary constituents

10 tips to ensure a meaningful dialogue with your primary constituents Resilient Roots: conquering the feedback loop – Part 4 of 5: “Dialogue” By Isabelle Büchner (Accountable Now) and Belén Giaquinta (CIVICUS) February 11, 2020   By now, you have designed your accountability feedback mechanism, and you have collected and analysed the feedback from your primary constituents. Now it is time […]

Accountability is expensive – the cost(s) of being small & accountable

Originally written for and published on the Accountability Lab website. Read the original article here.  As a small non-profit with accountability in our name, we strive to institute mechanisms, policies and processes that demonstrate the highest norms and standards. However, with limited budgets and an expansive footprint across the globe – including many remote places – […]

Resilient Roots: 10 Tips to collect feedback from your primary constituents

In the first blog post of this series, Resileint Roots shared 10 steps to design your accountability feedback mechanism, where they discussed how to set your objectives and layout the infrastructure and resources you will need to see this work through. If you missed it, we suggest you start there before turning to the next […]

How dynamic is our accountability to stakeholders?

On behalf of Y Care International, I was fortunate to be able to participate in Accountable Now’s 2018 Workshop on Dynamic Accountability. Over the course of 2.5 days, participants from CSOs in the global North and South explored the concept of Dynamic Accountability and how it could effectively be put into practice.   The concept demands […]

Dynamic Accountability Week: Recap & Learnings

  From 12th to 16th November 2018, the Global Standard launched its first Dynamic Accountability Week (DAW) giving Project Partners the opportunity to showcase the Global Standard with events and activities which aimed to spark conversations on Dynamic Accountability and how it is transforming accountability in the civil society sector. This week proved to be an exciting one for accountability as DAW took place alongside the Global Accountability Week, […]

Dynamic Accountability for Increased Resilience

This blog first appeared on the Balkan Civil Society Development Network website.   Shrinking Civic Space and the Crisis of CSO Legitimacy Recent times have seen an alarming rise of government measures that restrict and close space for the civil society to exercise core civic freedoms, to advance citizens’ rights and to hold governments accountable.   Increasingly, […]

How can the Global Standard foster a Dynamic Accountability culture within civil society organisations and between stakeholders?

In times of shrinking civic space, credibility, legitimacy, and accountability of civil society organisations (CSOs) is more important than ever and building trust, participation and co-creation with local stakeholders are key if CSOs are to develop resilience and impact. In this regard, the sector needs a concerted effort to improve collaborative responses to challenges faced […]