CBM leads the way on disability inclusiveness with their Disability Inclusive Development standards


What makes this practice exemplary?

Inclusion is one of CBM’s core values and the organisation takes proactive measures to ensure both their programmes and working environment are accessible to and inclusive of persons with disabilities.


policy framework on inclusion and an accessibility policy guide CBM’s work and operations, and their disability inclusive development (DID) standards align with the human-rights based approach to ensure the voices of persons with disabilities are heard. Persons with disabilities are engaged in every stage of project cycle management and in advisory work, non-discrimination is demonstrated in programmes, policies, and position papers, and there is an inclusive approach to human resources, covering both recruitment and workplace environment. The DID standards also cover gender equality and the rights of women and girls.


CBM strives to be a disability confident employer. Measures are taken to address barriers to the effective participation of people with disabilities, disability awareness training is provided throughout the organisation, and specific provisions/support are provided to employees as well as candidates where needed.


CBM’s vision, mission and theory of change focus on people with disabilities enjoying their human rights, and performance on these principles are tracked through dedicated KPIs e.g. around diversity of staff, meaningfully working with disabled people’s organisations, and strengthening voices of persons with disability.


Next steps?


More information about CBM’s approach to other factors that might affect inclusion and equality, particularly gender, would further strengthen this. While the DID standards mention gender equality, gender does not appear to be specifically covered in the Inclusion Policy Framework – are there any other policies regarding gender parity and equality?


To learn more, see CBM’s policy framework on inclusion and accessibility policy.

Find out more

Read the full accountability report