Member Accountability and Whistleblower Survey 2020/21


In 2020/21, Integritas 360 conducted an Accountability and Whistleblowing survey among staff and volunteers from Accountable Now’s member associations on their awareness, understanding, and perceptions around accountability and reporting within their organisation.

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The survey was guided by the following themes:

● How open and accountable was their organisation in general?
● Had it implemented various elements of a reporting / whistleblower framework?
● How did it react to reports of actual, or suspected, cases of unethical behaviour and / or
● Are there any obstacles to staff or volunteers using the current mechanism in place?

Read the full report below to discover the takeaways.

"On the whole, respondents felt that their organisation was ethical, with around four out of five respondents stating that it (always or usually) acted with integrity and honesty (80.6%), and encouraged and promoted ethical behaviour (84.6%)."

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Accountable Now is committed to promoting a more just, equitable & accountable world. Do you have a story to share that demonstrates how organisations can strengthen their dynamic accountability practices?