The changing face of accountability: welcome note by our new Board Chair

Leaders of international organisations are operating in an increasingly complex environment, where the level of scrutiny and expectation is growing.  Stakeholders are rightly demanding effectiveness, quality, safety, and compliance across all areas of operations. We are seeing increasingly complex, unpredictable, and game changing trends and events across the geopolitical, social and environmental landscape.   International […]

Resilient Roots: 10 tips to ensure a meaningful dialogue with your primary constituents

10 tips to ensure a meaningful dialogue with your primary constituents Resilient Roots: conquering the feedback loop – Part 4 of 5: “Dialogue” By Isabelle Büchner (Accountable Now) and Belén Giaquinta (CIVICUS) February 11, 2020   By now, you have designed your accountability feedback mechanism, and you have collected and analysed the feedback from your primary constituents. Now it is time […]

12 steps to a great online feedback and complaints mechanism

In 2019 Accountable Now held a 100 Day Challenge for our members to work on strengthening their feedback and complaints mechanisms. Six member organisations took part, as did Accountable Now (check out our new Feedback and Complaints policy). Over the course of the challenge, we discussed the difference between feedback and formal complaints[1], different online and offline mechanisms, […]

IYN Trains Young People in Nigeria to Promote Accountability Through Art

Inspired Youth Network (IYN) support young people to demand accountability and transparency through awareness, capacity building and policy advocacy. Art allows young people to express themselves in their own way and pace and it can increase their creative skills in advocacy. It helps young people to develop their fundamental cognitive capacities, critical analytical skills and […]

Accountability is expensive – the cost(s) of being small & accountable

Originally written for and published on the Accountability Lab website. Read the original article here.  As a small non-profit with accountability in our name, we strive to institute mechanisms, policies and processes that demonstrate the highest norms and standards. However, with limited budgets and an expansive footprint across the globe – including many remote places – […]

10 offers from the “Development Alternative” to do development differently

The truth is, the development sector has a big problem: The way development is currently organised, managed and funded is grounded in unequal power-relationships – especially when it comes to the people, communities and local organisations affected by international development work. In order to put a spotlight on this issue, at the heart of Accountable Now’s […]

Resilient Roots: 10 Tips to collect feedback from your primary constituents

In the first blog post of this series, Resileint Roots shared 10 steps to design your accountability feedback mechanism, where they discussed how to set your objectives and layout the infrastructure and resources you will need to see this work through. If you missed it, we suggest you start there before turning to the next […]

How resilient are our pilot partners to civic space threats?

  In recent years, “Resilience” has made its way into international development’s buzzword bingo board. Yet despite its increasing popularity, the concept often remains poorly understood. In this article, and during our upcoming Resilient Roots event at ICSW 2019 (Wednesday afternoon ), we will take a closer look at what this concept means for civil society organisations in the context […]

Naming and Faming as a Strategy for Tackling Corruption in Nigeria.

  Inspired Youth Network is a not-for-profit organisation based in Lagos, Nigeria that supports young people to demand accountability and transparency through capacity building and policy advocacy.     Transparency International (TI) in its Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2018 ranked Nigeria in 144th position out of 180 countries as against the 148th position and 136th […]