How to Keep Up with the Digital Customer Feedback Revolution?

Unless we know what people and partners think, feel, complain about, want and offer – we are likely to miss out on the optimal strategy to achieve our shared goal. How to generate, aggregate, visualise and use feedback for better decision making? How can we do this individually as organisations and collectively as a sector? In this webinar, we shared insights from Oxfam and Transparency International Kenya.

About the webinar:

Oxfam: Using technology to capture informal feedback

Despite the existence of formal feedback and complaints systems such as helpdesks and hotlines, little has been done to capture what is potentially the most insightful information available to humanitarian actors: informal feedback shared by the affected population. Oxfam has piloted a mobile case management tool as a way to increase and improve the services and accountability of Oxfam to refugees in Za’atari Camp in Jordan. This was done by recording complaints via written summary, audio recording, or photo into a mobile application which were then assigned to the relevant technical team to follow up and respond to the feedback. The mechanism not only enabled a quicker response time and was easier than writing feedback down, but increased trust from the community. In the webinar, Oxfam will present the pilot, share their lessons learned and will outline their plans to scale-up this work.


Transparency International Kenya: A coordinated response to feedback and complaints

Uwajibikaji Pamoja” – which means accountability together in Kiswahili – is an automated web-based Integrated Complaint Referral Mechanism in Kenya. Since 2014, Transparency International Kenya and over 70 partners in four Counties have been using the platform to improve their quality of services and their accountability to communities. The mechanism enables members of the public and organisations to submit and refer complaints concerning aid and service delivery at County level through a toll-free SMS line, email, complaint log forms and walk-ins. Complaints are followed-up through by a Convener and reports about complaints and the responsiveness rates are generated by the system. In the webinar, Transparency International Kenya will present the added value of the mechanism, highlight how complaints are resolved, share their lessons learned and outline next steps.

About the speakers:

Emily Tomkys, ICT in Programme Officer, Oxfam

Abrahams Misoi, National Convener, Transparency International Kenya


Watch the webinar below, and check out the accompanying presentations by Oxfam and Transparency International Kenya.

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