ActionAid connects the dots when designing their campaigns


What makes this practice exemplary?

Based on consultations and research at local and national level, programme teams put together campaign proposals to submit to the International Leadership Team (ILT). These campaigns aim to best represent the interests of people living in poverty and exclusion, while also contributing towards achieving our strategic aims.


Once these proposals are approved and endorsed by the General Assembly (GA), specific campaign plans are formulated, approved, monitored, evaluated and revised according to the procedures laid down in Accountability, Learning and Planning System (ALPS). This includes regular annual Participatory review and reflection processes (PRRPs) by all countries and units participating in the campaign.


The international campaigns are managed and monitored by steering groups involving both international and national staff. This process of annual review and reflection enables ActionAid to chart progress towards set targets and objectives or milestones reached. It also identifies areas where a shift in strategy may be required.


ActionAid’s priorities in terms of policies and campaigns are based on own and others’ experience, and on knowledge and analysis. They are developed using agreed criteria, which include quality research and analysis, accountability, awareness of our mandate, authority and legitimacy and the need to meet legal requirements. In addition, ActionAid has specific guidelines for conducting policy research and publishing external material, for signing off position papers and external communications.


Campaigns are based on research and analysis by ActionAid and each campaign goes through the following process prior to being approved:


  1. Proposals are assessed by a Technical Assessment Panel consisting of the International Head of Campaigns, International Head of Communications, International Fundraising Manager, an external expert on campaigning strategy, attitudes and values, fundraising/campaigning integration, and one International Board member/independent Trustee.
  2. Proposals are circulated to all countries for scoring against the selection criteria approved by the Directors’ Forum.
  3. Scores and outcomes of the technical review enable an advisory team of Country Directors to shortlist a maximum of five campaigns for further development.
  4. The shortlist is then approved by the ActionAid ILT.
  5. A Policy and Programme Forum approves the final ‘portfolio’ of three campaigns following a debate and vote.
  6. The Policy and Programme Forum’s recommendation, together with recommendations on the roles and responsibilities of members and IS in implementing the campaign portfolio, is then sent to the ILT for approval, the ActionAid International Board for endorsement and then to the Directors’ Forum and GA for launching.
  7. The three priority campaigns identified for the current strategy period are Tax Justice, Safe Cities and Urban Spaces for Women and Girls, and Land Rights.

Find out more

Read the full accountability report