Episode 3: Gender Perspectives in Accountability

Welcome to Accountable Now's Accountability Pill podcast - your mini dose of CSO accountability.

Each year, International Women’s Day brings awareness to the need to advance women’s rights and gender equality. However, it is critical that CSOs work towards achieving these goals, not only on #IWD but beyond. That is why ‘Women’s Rights and Gender Equality‘ is Commitment 2 of our 12 Accountability Commitments for CSO Accountability.

In this episode, we are joined by three guests: Sekoetlane Phamodi (Country Director South Africa, Accountability Lab), Casey Harden (General Secretary, World YWCA) and Maureen Magak (Young Woman Lead, World YWCA) to share their insights into how organisations can apply the gender perspective across their work and further women’s right’s and gender equality – for all.

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